Tales from the frontline:
From ambulancemen to police to firefighters
A fascinating - and sometimes terrifying - peek into working life of Greenwich First Responders
What is It like to be at the sharp end of Greenwich society, dealing with 911 calls and lawbreakers
Chapman, who became chief in September 2000, refused to comment on a Monday story in the Greenwich Time saying he is one of twofinalists for Greenwich's police chief vacancy. The chief claims he is content with his Bridgeport job. He is in the midst of his first ...Chapman, who became chief in September 2000, refused to comment on a Monday story in the Greenwich Time saying he is one of two finalists for Greenwich's police chief vacancy. The chief claims he is content with his Bridgeport job. He is in the midst of his first five-year term in Bridgeport and may receive a second five-year term, subject to approval under the City Charter. Chapman retired from a high-ranking position in the New York City Police Department before coming to ...
....Police Chief Wilbur Chapman is reportedly a finalist for a chief vacancy in Greenwich, but he claims he is focusing his attention solely on Bridgeport.
"I have no time for anything outside of Bridgeport," Chapman said Monday.
"I am diligently working on a crime fighting strategy for the city, including a plan for a new crime suppression unit."
Notice: The Greenwich Police Watch Forums Will Return Soon
Greenwich Police Watch was a MSN Group that Microsoft sold to the social networking website Multiply. The transfer went poorly and many posts were lost last February..
The founder and administrator of the MSN Greenwich Police Watch Group was thoroughly disgusted and has turned the files over to new managers.
What remains is being put up here at blogger and new posts about the Greenwich Police Department are being added.
Later, the blog will be linked with Google Groups so that the open Greenwich Police Forum can return and the Greenwich Police Documents, Images and PDF's can be hosted.
Old MSN Greenwich Police Watch members will be invited to the new Google Group when it is up and running.
The Old MSN Police Watch Police Newsgroup was a closed by invitation only newsgroup. The new Greenwich Police Watch Blog / Newsgroup will be open to all who can engage in civil discussion.
The new managers are aware that old time members would like for the blog to be open and the news group to be by invitation only, because some former member used their real names and not a proxy.
Posters names have been removed from all old posts and only be associated with the posts if a request is made to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com.
The Greenwich Police Watch Talk City Chat Room is still active and members may still use the service. The new managers have not decided what do with the lightly used chat room yet.
It is our understanding that there was a Greenwich Police Watch Chat room Manager in the past when the room was more active.
About Greenwich And The Greenwich Police Department
Greenwich is an area of about 70 square miles, most residents keep things to themselves, lock their doors at night, don’t leave their GPS on the dashboard when they park on Greenwich Avenue, and can have a quiet drink without wanting to fight the world.
There are however, a significant number of people in town for whom life wouldn’t be the same without the constant support of the Greenwich Police Department . They tell police officers their new boyfriend’s ex girlfriend to stop sending abusive text messages - why they gave this person their mobile number in the first place is a question that never gets answered.
They need the Greenwich police officers to sort out years and years of domestic abuse with a ten minute visit at 4 in the morning, but they don’t want him arrested “cos I luv ‘im”.
Many Greenwich police officers won't telling you about the details of these people, because it would spoil the surprise when they finally get on the Jerry Springer Show in Stamford.
All views & opinions expressed on this website represent the views of the authors and publishers only. They do not represent the views of any official police force, service or department.
This website is a private website run by an individual and has no connection and is not sanctioned by any police force, service or department.