What is It like to be at the sharp end of Greenwich society, dealing with 911 calls and lawbreakers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16, 2009 Fire And EMS has always had a problem with the Cos Cob numbering and has organized to ask the Planning and Zoning to solve the problem

The Photo:

(Click To Enlarge)

Maybe Greenwich Emergency Vehicles Should Be Equipped With Multiple GPS Devices When Responding In Cos Cob

The Headline:

First Responders In Cos Cob Can't Find Town Residents Who Are In Trouble.

Starting sometime this summer Planning and Zoning Director Diane Fox plans on renumbering the Cos Cob section of East Putnam Avenue to put it in sync with the rest of the road

The Quote:

"I don't see why the town has chosen now to disrupt small businesses so much," says Joe Cosgrove, owner of Gordon's Gateway to Sports, at 217 East Putnam Avenue in Cos Cob. He fears that GPS units won't be able to locate his place when the change happens

The Reporter:

Nick Keppler

The Story:

Going the Wrong Way

Fairfield Weekly

A Cos Cob resident, who preferred not to be identified, told me of an incident where he started bleeding internally because of a medical condition. He called 911 and, while a police officer arrived on the scene, an ambulance was headed to another part of Greenwich.

Why? He was on East Putnam Avenue and several addresses on that Greenwich road share numbers. East Putnam is part of the massively complicated U.S. Route 1, and the stretch of it in the Cos Cob zip code of Greenwich has its own system of numbering, one that not only duplicates numbers of properties on other parts of East Putnam but is all around zany, says town Planning and Zoning Director Diane Fox.

"The two sides of the road aren't separated by odds and evens, and many Cos Cob residents call it 'Boston Post Road,'" says Fox, which is the old, colonial-era name for Route 1 that still remains for parts of it (in Darien and Milford, for example).

....Rod Aguillion, manager of Arcuri's Pizza & Salad at 226 East Putnam Avenue in Cos Cob, on the other hand, says "actually we've had a problem with the street before; it makes it hard for a delivery business." ......

....Assistant Fire Chief Robert Kick, who says he initiated the renumbering, claims the Greenwich Fire Department has to distinguish between the two East Putnam Avenues on "a weekly basis" and "in instances like a heart attack, every second counts."....

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